Monday, May 3, 2010

I suck at this......I'll try harder.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

I love having my own house. I've decorated for Christmas for the first time. I lived on my own for two Christmases, but never really decorated much. This year, we have our own tree, complete with a Lionel train around it, Nativity set, mantle decorations, stockings, wreaths and outdoor Christmas lights! I absolutely love it. I love getting in the Christmas spirit. Last year my mother gave J and I the Nativity set for Christmas, which was shortly after we got engaged. It really meant so much to me, finally having my own Christmas decorations. Its like proof I'm finally on my own. Everything we have here is ours. Its a comforting feeling.

I baked Christmas cookies tonight for a cookie exchange at work this week. I've never baked cookies from scratch on my own, its always something I've done with my mom. I made snickerdoodles, and I think they came out ok. I had to make 2 batches, I think the 2nd batch came out better. The dough was very sticky though. I followed the recipe but I think more flour may have helped. Its tough though, our kitchen is kind of small and there's not a lot of counter space. I had to go back and forth between cookie trays and cooling trays and plastic storage bins. And I managed to spill flour all over the counter. But hey, I have some tasty cookies.......and a sink full of dishes. Woo.

No matter how much work I do around this house, it always seems like there is more to do. We still have piles of wedding presents that we don't know where to put them, boxes of things stashed in the spare bedroom, tools scattered here and there . I can never get the hub to box up all these tools and give them back to his dad. Although, the house is slowly starting to feel more like home. Its taking some time though.

Well, now that my house smells like cinnamon and sugar, I'm going to find something to watch on TV so that I can relax...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Obligatory Welcome Post

And so begins the life of a newlywed, new homeowner, disenchanted employee and aspiring cook. I plan on chronicling my life and times. I hope I'll have something interesting to say once in a while. Marriage has been such a drastic change in my life, I figure it would help if I blogged about it. Owning my own home has also been a daunting task. The husband and I bought a slight fixer-upper in May and have been doing a good deal of work on it since.

Don't ask me when we're having kids though, I'm so tired of that question so I'll answer it now. Not for a few years.

It would be nice to meet some people on here who are in similar situations.

I also might talk about things I cook for dinner. And bitch about my job.